Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What about Integrity?

I don’t believe many politicians, bankers, stock brokers, CPA’s  or corporate lawyers possess it. It is a quality that was once required by Americans from all such “Professionals”.  It was considered to be the single most important characteristic without which employment in such professions was not allowed. What is it? According to Merriam-Webster it is a “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility” (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/integrity ). When did it become acceptable for these once trusted professions to lie, cheat and steal from the American public? What has become of our once great nation?

This past weekend, over dinner, my mother expounded on her disgust and frustration with the state of our nation financially and otherwise. She shared, to my husband’s amazement, her belief that revolution was required.  She could see no way back or around the current financial debacle exposing so much government corruption as well as general corruption of our financial systems. She reminded us that it is our responsibility as citizens of a democracy to revolt in situations like this. My husband’s immediate response, as a veteran of foreign wars, was to question the need for revolution and the violence and death associated, in his experience.  Were we willing to stand in the streets and revolt?

This conversation at the table hit everyone sitting there hard in the gut. None of us wanted to be party to a violent revolution but what options do we have and how can we turn our country around as is our job? If we are not willing to do something to affect the change then we have the government we deserve and the complaining is simply the whining of the powerless. Nobody sitting at the table was willing to be simply the “powerless whiners”.

The truth about the culpability of the bankers, securities traders and brokerage firms in the mortgage crisis and the ensuing economic meltdown is beginning to come out. I learned today about the lawsuits that are currently in progress against JPMorgan for illegal activity and their attempts at covering it up. This is activity that was and still is being practiced by the financial community that the American people bailed out in 2008. The illegal activity is the source of the huge mess that has lead to the debt crisis that resulted in yet another market crash and leaves the American people feeling powerless to fix. 

I found hope today! Hope that indeed the system of government created by our forefathers is not yet completely lost. The judicial branch of our government is actually hearing cases brought against the criminals. It seems to me that the executive and legislative branches were unable to combat the forces of darkness perhaps for lack of integrity themselves. 

The fear I have stems from the fact that the media has not made it known to the people of this nation, who have been wronged, that these trials are even underway. I found the information on RT, Russia Today. The Keiser Report 171 has a guest, Teri Buhl, with documented information.  If the American judicial system can prosecute and bring down some of the corruption that plagues our nation the whole world will benefit. We will tell the world that the United States will not tolerate this kind of abuse. We will tell bankers and Wall Street that the people of this nation are watching and we DO require integrity and honesty!!

Watch this video from Russia Today and see if you don’t find some hope once again in the checks and balances built into our system to combat corruption! If we bring it into the light and into the mainstream media, the people will gain power and integrity as a nation once again.  http://rt.com/programs/keiser-report/keiser-debt-deal-gold/

PS As an after thought I checked out the website of Teri Buhl... it is full of great information not available in the mainstream press... check it out!   http://www.teribuhl.com/

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